Friday, December 28, 2012

Fabio's Apple Cake

Saya suka sekali kue (cake) apel. Saat ulang tahun bulan lalu teman baik saya memberi hadiah apple cake bikinannya sendiri - enak sekali. Nah, di bawah ini ada resep kue apel dari Fabio Viviani, koki favorit saya di internet. 

Recipe by Fabio Viviani
Yield: 8-10 servings


3-4 very ripe Red Delicious apples, peeled and cored
1 cup all-purpose, unbleached flour
2 tsp baking powder
2 large eggs, plus one yolk
¾ cup granulated sugar
zest of one orange
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
½ cup extra-virgin olive oil
2 tbsp golden brown sugar
powdered sugar, for dusting
fresh mint sprigs, for garnish (optional)


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour a 9-inch round springform pan.
2. In a food processor, pulse apples until pureed but still chunky (the apples will oxidize, turning brown, but it's perfectly fine.). You should have about 3 cups of apple puree. Set aside.
3. In a small bowl, mix flour and baking powder. Set aside.
4. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, add eggs, sugar, and beat on medium until incorporated.
5. Add orange zest and vanilla and beat on low speed, increasing to medium, then high, until the eggs are foamy and light-yellow in color.
6. Reduce speed to low and gradually add the olive oil in a steady stream.
7. Add pureed apples and mix until combined.
8. Gradually add the flour mixture.
9. Scrape down the sides of the bowl with a rubber spatula, and mix again on low speed until all ingredients are evenly incorporated into the batter. Do not over-mix.
10. Transfer batter to the prepared springform pan.
11. Sprinkle the top with brown sugar for a crunchy crust.
12. Bake for 1 hour, then cool in the pan for 10 minutes.
13. To serve, remove the sides of the pan and place on a platter.
14. Dust with powdered sugar and garnish with a mint sprig.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sayap Ayam Saos Bawang Putih

Saya mendapat resep ini dari teman baik saya, bu Him. Saya dan bu Him dulu pernah bersama-sama ikut pelatihan meditasi tapa brata selama satu minggu. Walaupun selama pelatihan kami tidak boleh setitik pun saling bicara, namanya juga bertapa, tetapi kami menjadi akrab setelahnya; apalagi ternyata rumah bu Him dekat dengan rumah saya. Bu Him pintar sekali memasak. Semua masakan bu Him enak, dan resep ini salah satunya yang saya masih mampu membuatnya karena mudah.

+/- 6 potong sayap ayam

jeruk nipis
bawang merah
bawang putih

Bumbu Saos:
bawang putih cincang halus
rawit merah cincang
daun bawang cincang
kecap asin
kecap manis

1. Bersihkan sayap ayam, potong, pisahkan kedua bagiannya
2. Uleni dengan jeruk nipis, diamkan sebentar
3. Uleni dengan ulekan bawang merah, bawang putih, garam
4. Ungkep
5. Setelah sayap ayam empuk, goreng hingga kuning kecoklatan, sisihkan

6. Siapkan saos: tumis cincangan bawang putih hingga kekuningan
7. Masukkan kecap asin, kecap manis, air (kecap asinnya lebih banyak, kecap manisnya sedikit)
8. Diamkan sebentar sampai agak mengental, masukkan rawit, ayam, daun bawang
9. Campur, angkat, sajikan

Dan ternyata, enak sekali ...