Friday, October 28, 2022

Oatmeal Carrot Cake

Sekarang tahun 2022 ... dunia sudah melewati pandemi .. wuiihhh .. anak2 sudah dewasa dan salah satu dari mereka kalau tidak sibuk suka memasak. Resep ini saya dapat dari dia, dan memang kue ini enak sekali. 

1.5 cups ground oats (or oat flour) (150 gr) (bisa diganti tepung biasa)
1 cup quick oats (90 gr)
1 tsp baking power 
1 tsp baking soda 
2 tsp cinnamon  
2 cups carrot, finely grated (200 gr)
2 eggs 
1/2 cup honey (170 gr)
1/2 cup melted butter (120 gr) (jangan diganti Blue Band, tar gak enak jadinya) 
1 cup Greek yogurt (285 gr) (bisa diganti pisang yang diancurin ditambah lemon sedikit)
1 tsp vanilla 
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (65 gr)  (bisa diganti kismis atau kurma)

1. In a bowl, combine wet ingredients, eggs, honey, Greek yogurt, vanilla, and melted butter 

2. In a separate bowl, grate the carrots and incorporate into the egg mixture 

3. In another bowl, combine together the dry ingredients, ground oats, quick oats, baking powder, baking soda, and cinnamon. Pour dry ingredients into the wet ingredients, mixing together to combine. 

4. Pour into prepared baking dish 8 by 8 inch, smooth the top and bake at 350F (180C) degrees for 35 minutes. 

5. Let it cool completely in the pan, then remove to the cutting board and cut in desired shapes. 

6. Serve with cream cheese, melted dark chocolate, or honey. 

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